

2023-12-08 20:41:33 实用文档

英文导游词范文 篇1

Md palace, located in eastern henan already county, was built in the han,from began. 10 li away from Lao tze birthplace, Lao tze old age once lecturehere, after the people ride a green cattle under a immortal legend Lao zi inthis. Md intrauterine laojun units in the national key protected culturalrelics, was built in the tang dynasty tianbao for two years, 13 meters high, isan ancient big brick building, surrounded by 14 high altar form ancientbuildings.

Along the 33 ste”"ps”" into the old gentleman on the gate, is the mainhall, hard mountain qing dynasty architecture, inside each a partial temple. On13 Sabina chinensis tree green lush, cool wind blow gently, all the year roundflying birds singing. Below smooth haze, the lake a travelling Hui, pleasantscenery. Along the central axis of the entrance in the south about xu, and enjoythe temple, welcomed the xuan yuan temple, jubilee temple, pavilion, tao kiosks,teng YunGe, it faces, gossip, the door to all the wonderful memorial arch ofdragon of dike, hong tao yuan, etc. Because of laozi moral high honors, traveledthrough the ages the visitors an endless stream, Tang Gaozu tang gaozu, tangdynasty, the emperor Li Zhi Tang Xuansong lung-chi lee, Song Zhen Song Zhaohuan,was as well as the great writer su dongpo, ouyang xiu, etc have been here to orsacrifice to the ancestors, or inappropriate tour, leaving many immortal poemsglorious chapter.

英文导游词范文 篇2

My official figure art field is located in suzhou city. Art garden was built in Ming jiajing period, build drunken YingTang Yuan Zugeng, topic MenE "urban forest". Lasted for Wen Zhiming great-grandchild Wen Zhenmeng, TangMing nylon, YuanMing medicine field. Qing jiang 埰, renamed h nursery, also called JingTing mountain house, his son Jiang Shijie YuanMing easily as art field. After repeatedly. Light three or four years, Wu Xingceng Qi new. Light nineteen years, garden and silk industry fan, seven duct ccba, heavy repair. The garden between Ming dynasty and early qing keep landscapes and part of the building, is an important example of research history of landscape architecture.

Art field now covers an area of about 3800 square meters. House five into layout twists and turns, hall of primitive simplicity. Park in the west, pool center, accounts for about a quarter. Building more than in the north pool, fanaw rockery as main feature. Have liberal arts hall, delay light cabinet, jiyang valley book hall, thought to r, milk fish pavilion, thought eosinophilic hin, toward the great month gallery pavilion, vanilla, and rang the victory of the season.

Art field plane are slightly north and south long and narrow rectangle, north of the courtyard, is composed of the main hall of boya hall and waterside pavilion; Cut pool, the central area of about one mu for dominated the center, the surface concentration, southeast and southwest have water bay, on the structure low stone bridge. In addition to the north for the waterside pavilion revetment, the remaining pool shore flexor nature, while the pool surface from nearby for low small building is open, take nets garden. Fanaw stacking rockery, structure bridge pavilion, southwest a rear yard. ChiBeiAn five waterside pavilion, low floating in waves, both sides has a separate buildings. The elevation of all these buildings occupy the pool in the north, which are rare in the suzhou gardens. Stone angeles fanaw near water, followed by heap heaped-up mountains, mountain near water side wall lake stone with the dangerous path. Southwest hospital with wall, water diversion bay in the small pond, stone mountain also delay pulse at this point. Courtyard west hall, between two weeks column stone lake, cultivation of camellia, magnolia flower, see a new world. Pool pavilion, southeast of fish for traces of Ming dynasty. Next to its slow QuShiQiao that also belongs to the early days, is very precious.

Art field in the water, stone, unique combination of technique, determining the nature and tries to transcend the nature, is the Ming and qing dynasties suzhou generation gardening home the layout of the most commonly used techniques.

英文导游词范文 篇3

Garden area of about 5 acres, now has kept roughly want between Ming dynasty and early qing. Gardens in north and south long and narrow rectangular plane, the north is courtyard, is composed of the main hall of boya hall and water tree, the central pool, the water for about 1 mu, become dominated center. All the monohydrate bay, southeast and southwest tablet stone bridge. In addition to the waterside pavilion in the north for the revetment, the rest of the pond shore are naturally twists and turns. Take the nets garden gardening techniques, offshore for low buildings, such as cottage fishing tents, makes the surface appear open. Fanaw had stacked stone rockery, one screen at a time on the bridge. Southwest pool has a yard, water curved courtyard, a quiet elegant. Pool north waterside pavilion surface width of 5, and cabinet gallery annex on both sides. All these buildings occupied the north facade, as seen in suzhou gardens. Yard on both sides of the square of two hall, column flange pool lake stone, such as camellia, magnolia flower plants and. Pool a Ming dynasty architecture, southeast of milk fish pavilion, the architecture of primitive simplicity and easy, for the rare and precious cultural relics.

The garden more preserved Ming dynasty garden style, layout and gardening technique, winning by plain simple, natural, and celebrities such as Wen Zhenmeng former residence is located, it is of high historical value and artistic value. As a key cultural relic protection unit in jiangsu province in 1995.

英文导游词范文 篇4

Baima temple is located 12 kilometers east of the old city of Luoyang inHenan Province. It was founded in the 11th year of Yongping in the Eastern HanDynasty (AD 68). It is the first ancient temple in China and the world famousKalan temple. It is the first temple built after Buddhism was introduced intoChina. It is known as the "ancestral court" and "source of interpretation" ofChinese Buddhism. It has a history of more than 1900 years. The existing sitesand historic sites are preserved in yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. There are alarge number of Jiagan lacquered statues of the Yuan Dynasty, such as the thirdBuddha, the second general and the eighteen Arhats.

In 1961, Baima temple was announced as the first batch of national keycultural relics protection units by the State Council of the people's Republicof China. In 1983, it was designated by the State Council as the national keyTemple of Chinese Buddhism. In January 20__, Baima temple was named as the firstbatch of AAAA scenic spots by the National Tourism Administration.

In the seventh year of Yongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty (A.D. 64),Emperor Liu Zhuang (the son of Liu Xiu) spent the night in Nangong. He dreamedthat a golden man, six feet tall and shining on his head, would come from theWest and fly around the palace. The next morning, Emperor Hanming told theministers about the dream. Doctor Fu Yi said, "there is a God in the west, whichis called Buddha, just as you dream.". After hearing this, Emperor Han and Mingsent more than ten ministers, such as Cai Yin and Qin Jing, to the westernregions to worship Buddhist scriptures and Dharma.

In the eighth year of Yongping (AD 65), Cai, Qin and others bid farewell tothe imperial capital and embarked on the journey of "learning from the west". InDayue Kingdom (from Afghanistan to Central Asia today), I met Indian eminentmonks, such as shemoteng and zhufalan, and met Buddhist sutras and white feltstatues of Sakyamuni Buddha. I sincerely ask the two eminent monks to go east toChina to preach Buddhism.

In the tenth year of Yongping (AD 67), two Indian eminent monks wereinvited to carry Buddhist scriptures and statues on white horses together withenvoys of the Eastern Han Dynasty to Luoyang. Emperor Hanming was very happy tosee the Buddhist scriptures and statues. He was very polite to the two eminentmonks. He personally received them and arranged for them to stay in Honglutemple, the official office in charge of foreign affairs at that time.

In the 11th year of Yongping (A.D. 68), the emperor of Han and Ming orderedthe construction of monasteries in the north of Sanli imperial road outsideXiyong gate in Luoyang. In memory of Baima tuojing, it was named "Baima Temple".The word "Si" originated from the word "Si" of "Honglu Temple", and later "Si"became a general term of Chinese temples. This is the first Chinese translationof Buddhist scriptures in China.

After taking photos of moteng and zhufalan, many Western eminent monks cameto Baima temple to translate Buddhist scriptures. In more than 150 years after68 A.D., 192 Buddhist scriptures, 395 volumes in total, were translated here.Baima temple has become the first Buddhist Scripture Translation Center inChina.

In the second year of Caowei Jiaping (A.D. 250), Tan kejialuo, an Indianmonk, came to Baima temple. At this time, Buddhism also entered the public fromthe deep palace. Later, tankojaro translated the first Buddhist commandment inChinese in Baima temple. At the same time, Tan Di, a monk of the Sabbath state,also translated Tan Wu De Jie Mo in Baima temple, which regulated theorganization and life of the monks. So far, the commandments and theconstitution of the monks' group have been completed, and a path of monasticpractice has been paved, which is the beginning of the commandments inChina.

In the fifth year of Ganlu (260 A.D.), a commandment ceremony was held inBaima temple, which is destined to be deeply engraved in the history of ChineseBuddhism. On this day, Zhu Shixing ascended the altar of abstinence inaccordance with the law of karma, knelt down in front of the Buddha, and becamethe first monk who formally received the bhikkhu commandment in Han China. Sincethen, the ancient Confucian tradition of "body hair skin, parents, dare notdamage" has been broken.

During the first 200 years of Buddhism's taking root and spreading inChina, the whole process is closely related to Baima temple. This is the productof China's first search for Dharma from the West. It is the residence of thefirst monks who came to China to preach and spread Dharma. The first ChineseBuddhist Scripture and Chinese Commandments were born here, and the firstChinese Buddhist monk was born In a word, Baima temple is closely linked withmany "firsts" of Chinese Buddhism, which makes it the real ancestor and sourceof Chinese Buddhism.

英文导游词范文 篇5

Dear ladies and gentlemen, today, we are going to visit the Qin army toiletMuseum. Qinbing toilet museum is located 35 kilometers east of You'an city. Ittakes about 50 minutes to get there by car from Sheraton Hotel. Since itsopening on October 1, 1979, the museum has been visited by Party and governmentleaders of many countries, and millions of Chinese and foreign tourists havecome to visit this human miracle. French President Jacques Chirac once said:"the discovery of Qin Bing Ma Bai, the original seven wonders in the world, canbe said to be the eighth miracle. If you don't look at the pyramids, you don'treally have been to Egypt. "If you don't look at the Qin servants, you don'treally have been to China." Former vice president Mundell also said, "this is areal miracle. People all over the world should go there and have a look. " Fromthese highly concise words, we can easily see the historical and artistic valueof Qin Yong. Next, I'd like to introduce the first emperor of the case, ahistorical giant who has made great achievements for a generation, so that youcan have a more detailed understanding of the first emperor of the case'smilitary toilet and its related history. When talking about the toilet, we mustfirst introduce the head politics. In 259 BC, a great man named Yingzheng wasborn. At the age of 13, after his father died, he inherited the throne.According to Thai practice, the king was not able to take power until he was 22years old and had a coronation ceremony. At that time, the power of the state ofQin was still in the hands of the empress dowager, the prime minister LV Buwei,and the eunuch muxiu (1606i). Unusual is Luo Zhen. Holding power, hot, he sawWangai gradually grow up, then plot rebellion and seize power. In 238 BC,22-year-old Ying Zheng went to the new year palace in Yongcheng, the formercapital, to hold a coronation ceremony. The fallacy lies in

On the way back to Xianyang from barnian palace, he buried an ambush tokill Yingzheng. When Ying Zheng noticed this, he defeated the helmet with hissuperior forces, captured him alive and killed him by splitting the car. AfterYing Zhengqin, he exiled RI Buwei in the name of LV Buwei's indulgence inmarrying Liang. After that, LV Buwei drank poison and sprinkled it to death.

In this way, Yingzheng successfully eliminated the two hostile forceswithin the regime and consolidated its position. In order to further consolidatethe power of the monarch, Huizheng selected a group of elite generals, such asWei Liao, who was in charge of military affairs, and Li Si, who was in charge ofEurope. After that, Yingzheng formulated the policy of making long-distance andshort-range attacks, alienating foreign enemies, and breaking through eachother, and began to unify China, ending the chaotic situation of more than 500years since the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. From 230B.C. to 221 B.C., in less than 10 years, Thailand destroyed six countries,finally completed the great cause of reunification, and established the firstcentralized feudal state, which laid the foundation for the rapid development offeudal society's economy, politics, ideology and culture. This once again showsthe great talent of Yingzheng.

Yingzheng called himself the first emperor because he expected hisdescendants to pass on the regime he founded from generation to generation. Tothis end, he reorganized the bureaucracy. First, he was responsible for all theofficials from the central government to the local government; second, heabolished the enfeoffment system and implemented the county system. Third, QinShihuang also unified laws, characters, currency, weights and measures, etc.These measures greatly promoted the development of politics, economy and culturein feudal society. In addition, he also expropriated labor and extensively builtroads to facilitate transportation and economic and cultural exchanges. Heconnected the Great Wall built by Qin, Zhao and Yan during the Warring Statesperiod, and then extended it to form the Great Wall from Lintiao in GansuProvince in the west to Yinshi in Liaodong Province in the East, whicheffectively curbed the harassment of the nomadic tribes of TJB to the court.Most Chinese emperors built huge and luxurious mausoleums for themselves. Onthis point, the first emperor of the case is no exception. When he ascended thethrone at the age of 13, he ordered the construction of a mausoleum for him.Although eroded by wind, rain and man-made destruction, this huge mausoleum witha height of 120 meters and a circumference of more than 20__ meters is still 76meters high and 400 meters long. The first emperor of the case reduced thecapital Weiyang to his own mausoleum, and its layout is almost the same. Thenorthwest of the inner city of the cemetery is the Xiandian building area, thedepression in the northeast of the cemetery is the fish pond for memorial, thenorthwest corner of the outer city of the cemetery is the stone processingplant, and the outer city of the west of the cemetery is a large cemetery.According to historical records, the total population of the Qin Dynasty wasabout 20 million, and the number of strong men was 7 million. When the mausoleumwas built, the number of strong men reached 700000 at most, which shows thevastness of the project. The mausoleum of the first emperor of the case is likea huge underground palace, which is really an underground "paradise of goodfortune". There is astronomy on the roof of the tomb

In the constellation chart, t is made up of all kinds of bright jewelry,with Wuyue, Jiuzhou and rivers and lakes made up of mechanically driven mercurybelow. In addition, there is no hall for officials to worship the first emperor.In order to prevent stealing power, there are automatic bows and arrows on thedoor of each tomb. The whole mausoleum can be said to be a magnificent, solidunderground crown. The first emperor of the case also moved everything heenjoyed underground for him to enjoy in another world. He did not even let go ofthe maids who had never given birth and the craftsmen who worked hard to buildthe underground mausoleum. He ordered that all these people should be buriedalive when others were in danger, so that the maids would not marry others andthe secrets inside the mausoleum would not be revealed.

At the moment, what we are dealing with is No.1 pit of qinbaiguan, which iscalled "the eighth wonder of the world" of Qin's toilet. In order to deal withthe huge military array, you must have the following questions in your mind: Howdid these Qin maids find out? 7 Why did they look different? 7 Why did they makethese chants? How many hundred of them are in pits 1, 2 and 3. OK, now I willanswer your questions. These chants were discovered by Xiyang Caiqu farmers inthe process of drilling wells in March 1974. According to the old people in thevillage, Qin Xiang was found there as early as the Ming Dynasty. One day, therefugees in the village ordered a well in the outer space of the village. Thewater in the well was very clear and gratifying. But the next day, they foundthat the water at the bottom of the well was gone. The audacious of them tied arope around their waist and went down to check. After a while, a scream camefrom the well, and the people on the top pulled the people up. The man said hesaw a standing monster in armor. He reached for him. The listeners were veryafraid and wanted to fill the well with soil as soon as possible. But theyfinally decided to report it to the cultural relics department. After theexploration and identification of archaeological experts, pits T, 2 and 3 in theqintiao museum were identified as the accompanying burial pits of the firstemperor of the case. From 1974 to 1979, after five years of hard work, amagnificent building with scientific structure was erected on the site of Pit 1.This is Pit 1 of the Subing toilet, which was opened to tourists at home andabroad in October 1979. Pit 3 was opened to the public on September 27, 1989,world tourism day. Now, on the site of Pit 2, a marble building has beencompleted. It began to receive tourists in November 1994. Since then, all threepoking pits have been protected

Buildings, no longer subject to wind, sun and rain. For visitors to watch,nostalgic at the same time, archaeologists are still there to continue toexcavate the toilet. According to the survey, No. 1 pit is 330m long from eastto west, 62m wide from north to South and covers an area of 14260m2. At theeasternmost end of Dongkeng, there are 3gf warriors facing east, 7 in each row,with a total of 210 pokes. They are the vanguard of the army. Behind thevanguard is the main body of the army. They are divided into 38 columns,standing in 11 tunnels. Each tunnel is paved with green bricks, and there is acolumn every 2 meters on both sides of the tunnel. The columns support thewooden roof, which is covered with woven "herringbone" mats. The mats arecovered with soil. The whole tunnel is 5 meters deep from the surface. Inaddition, on the south, North and west sides of the tunnel, there are a line ofwarriors facing outward. They are the right wing, left wing and guard of thearmy. At the moment, more than 1000 pottery barrels have been unearthed from Pit1. According to the campaign, more than 6000 military toilets will be unearthedin Pit 1 after all excavation. It's pit 2, which opened in November 1994. It isa square array of chariots, cavalry and infantry. It is estimated that more than1000 soldiers and Dong, and more than 500 chariots, horses and pommel horses canbe unearthed. Pit 2 covers an area of 6000 square meters. Its east part is asmall square array with 6334 curved barrels. In the south of pit No.2, there are64 chariots forming a Na square array, each row has 8 chariots, a total of 8Fei; in the middle, there are 19 chariots and unarmed soldiers with chariots; inthe north, there are chariots and cavalry. In the north is a cavalry formationcomposed of 6 chariots, 124 pommel horses and 124 cavalry. Now, we come to pit3, which is 25 meters west of Pit 2. The pit was discovered in 1976. It isconcave shape, covering an area of 520 square meters. stay

In Pit 3, archaeologists found only one chariot and 64 Samurai stabs. Theystand opposite each other, holding the weapon man (SH6).

英文导游词范文 篇6

Ladies and gentlemen:

How do you do! Warmly welcome to mount tai, today I will and family together from taishan road on the top of the mountain.

This is high, the ancient taishan contains rich natural and cultural accumulation, has been UNESCO world cultural and natural heritage list. Now, we are still like the ancients, asking how "temple", then join me into the mount, to appreciate the charm of mount tai.

This is dai. Started from the dai temple, temple lane, a heaven, red doors, doors, the arch of ascending immortals to the worse, is the ancient emperor I taishan road, through the now famous person called "heaven scenic spot", also called road, is the oldest of taishan mountain road 6 now. We will from the road to the utmost.

Home before noticed the towering dai temple, and a more temples, that is "remote pavilion", are the starting point of the first emperor I mount tai. The emperor held to taishan I sacrifice, all visits by simple ceremony here first, so before the Ming dynasty, called the "grass and pavilion". Id in the Ming dynasty, changed its name to "remote pavilion" refs. Though it is a word, base devout do contain it.

Friends, the ancient architecture in architectural history in the world has a unique position, is remote and pavilion of the architectural concept for both I would become a standard for a prelude to the need of step by step into the climax, also is the ancient suppression before young's aesthetic thought.

Qianmen is the dai temple, ping is a wonderful party. With such charm to dai temple, is determined by its own characteristics. First of all, it is different from general temple, the walls of the wall week 1300 meters, 5 layer foundation, build by laying bricks or stones on the blue bricks, a trapezoid, 17.6 meters wide, 11 meters wide, 10 meters high, a total of eight gate: for qianmen, as the front entrance to the dai temple. From the dai temple, qianmen into head-on is tianmen, chopped son say "DE with heaven and earth" meaning. With doors on both sides of the east for three spirit Hou Dian, west to qiu, three temple are connected to the wall, and constitute the dai temple between the first into the yard.

Ringha door, is the majestic high Kuang song day, it is also called China sun temple, is the main body of the temple. Width between 9 days Kuang temple, 643.67 meters, the depth 5, 17.18 meters, the intake of 23.3 m. Kuang temple is located in the spacious home, day white stylobate, stone column jacaranda around, around the cloud shape column at his columns, and make the heavens Kuang the environment around the house and has a wonderful effect.

Day around Kuang temple corridors, forming a compound, on the two sides of buildings, gallery is to play the make the space has banded, the folding of the gas and closely, rigorous and abound change, this is to connect the world history of architecture. Dai temple in the corridor to a double-hipped roof hip roof building tightly hugging, straight and high contrast more inspired people to day Kuang own house. Ancient Chinese architects know that there is no absolute absolutely, from comparison, in addition to low around the corridors, days before Kuang temple platform also took two exquisite royal pavilion, both highlighted the day Kuang temple, and in a quiet sound, so the day Kuang temple is not of the two words can be summarized with.

From day Kuang falsely back out, a brick tunnel connected to the bedroom after. When the emperor song zhenzong letter taishan, dubbed "emperor", because of mount tai emperor should be winner ", then to match a lady "shu next year". From this point of view, dai temple is more many, Taoism as more like the royal court, this layout is further revealed the feudal rulers of dai political activities of the utilitarian purpose.

Just now, we are along the dai temple to visit the main axis, and on both sides of main axis, the other 4 individual, both before and after the east, the former as "opzoon", according to legend the emperor of 6 strains of cooper in the courtyard; After the "east the throne", is the place where the emperor the taishan hotel.

Here is the mount tai is famous 18. About 2.5 billion years ago, in a geologist called "taishan sports" orogeny, GuTaiShan from an ocean rise for the first time, after several vicissitudes of life, mount tai is rising and sinking, sinking and rising, finally 30 million years ago in the Himalayan orogeny, finally formed today's mount tai. Ancient orogeny created Tarzan foothill stepped up three fault zone, a step from the cloud layer on the bridge fault zone to the utmost, abrupt rise of more than 400 meters above sea level, making it a layer of strip with all round with a strong contrast peaks, like the pagoda of brake, formed the "column" east days of momentum.

Here is the tight 18, is also the climbing plate is the most difficult part of the road. Cliff house, the inscribed copy of the elders: "hard up", "the first mountain", "green ladder climbing together"... It was the encourage us. Look at the load of one hundred jin, pick, workers think again when the nameless chisel shek sau passers-by... Speechless, but they can motivate people up mountains. Friend, mountaineering is like doing any business, only up to the end, to overcome and obstacles, to reach the highest realm!

The worse, we are in "heaven", although we have not immortal, but we are here to "climb the tianshan and heaven is revealed to the heroic.

Into the worse, as opposed to a temple called "porch" outstanding, outstanding porch one on each side can go to the north. Go out to the west there is a mountain peak "of oar in nature, the mountains have a pavilion, a month view pavilion. It is said that day high air in late autumn season, here also can see" Huang Hejin belts "singular landscape: under the setting sun is reflected in the backdrop, dimmed, but the Yellow River, reflecting the light of the sun, like a flash of gold belt, the day in the ground together. At night, under the bright moonlight, the lights of the north visible at jinan, so the peak month view say again" at the mansion mountain ".

Out the worse yard east fold is the Yin. Yin, the streets of heaven, more poetic. Travel east along the Yin, the north one lane, plaques on the topic shadow Wu Sheng mark ", this is from Confucius and YanYuan see wu Chang outside a white horse. Fang north is the Confucius temple.

Yin is the most eastern end of azure clouds temple, I tell the stories brigitte xia yuan jun to the home. Brigitte xia yuan jun's predecessor is the goddess of mount tai, the folk known as "fairy herself xia yuan jun" is people mind of mount tai is the Lord god, and is referred to as "taishan" grandma, "taishan mother". Taishan syndrome of old people of faith and love, is a history of buried deep in people's heart of a mother's love. For many years, Beckham won the affection of his people, xia yuan jun still stand on the top of mount tai, accept the good faith boy and girl, incense, wandering township called to leave the country.

Ok, let us into the green chardonnay temple. , 2500 square meters, built the throne room, peidian peidian, 3 door god, bell tower, drum tower, incense, long live the floor, one thousand jin ding, pool fire, and zhaobi, dance floor, royal pavilion... And as the royal mountain high winds, the temple of copper for copper tile, stone, glittering, just like the imperial palace in the sky. The height of mount tai azure clouds temple architecture technique is considered to be the model of the construction of the ancient mountains, people come here to visit dance is not feeling it and its high, sacredness arises spontaneously. Today, mount tai azure clouds temple buildings unique prepared.

The azure clouds temple east door north along the winding mountain paths to god, a wall of rock stand tall, cliff stone carvings around, yangyang, called "peak". Peak on the west side, a few years all have the ancients write on a stone, this area is open to the calligraphy art museum.

Peak bends and on the west side of the view to the top, who seems to go all the way up the stone steps finally arrived at the end of the utmost - jade emperor peak is mount tai.

The jade emperor pagoda built in the utmost, aross like to taishan wearing a crown. By the gate into the temple, the first see is a hospital bill "the utmost stone". The utmost stone columns, lie in a circle of fewer meters high, rough surface, if elsewhere, will be a the most ordinary not stone. But here, beside it have ready and ready and the monuments reads: "1545 meters of mount tai is the utmost". According to the geology analysis, that's it, at 30 million years ago from a trough to hog, it rooted in the 10000 meters deep in the earth's crust; Is it, with hundreds of square kilometers of the base, the whole mountain is carried on it, make it the clouds, so that the jade emperor of jade emperor pagoda became the patron saint of it.

My friends, a day of travel is over. Hope you can come again to the mount tai. Thank you for your home!

英文导游词范文 篇7

Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination. With its cool sea breezeand fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. Historical relics, naturalscenery, temples, churches, assembly halls and commemorative sites of theChinese revolution will illuminate Tianjin's past, present and future. Tianjinis honored as 'Building Museum' as it was occupied by nine imperial powersbefore the founding of the new China, leaving behind many buildings withextraordinary and exotic architectural styles, a real feast for the eye! In thefollowing text let me give you a brief introduction to the Jinmen Shijing (topten scenic attractions in Tianjin).

Huangyaguan Great Wall :

Located in the mountainous area of Tianjin's northern Ji County, theHuangyaguan Great Wall was first built during the Northern Qi Dynasty (550 -557) and repaired in large scale with bricks during the Ming Dynasty (1368 -1644). When appointed as the chief commanding officer in the Ji Garrison (one ofthe eleven garrisons of the Ming Dynasty), Qi Jiguang added watch towers andother defensive works.

The Huangyaguan Great Wall comes out first in the ten most-visited sites inTianjin. It is considered to be a miniature of the Great Wall. The entiresection is built on an abrupt mountain ridge. Being endowed with both naturalbeauty and cultural interest, it has become famous as a natural beauty spot anda summer resort. The major scenic area is composed of Huangyaguan Pass andTaiping Mountain Stronghold.

Huangyaguan Pass: In 1984, the people of Tianjin spent three yearsrepairing 3,308 yards of the main wall from Banlagang Mountain in the east toWangmaoding Mountain in the west. They restored 20 terraces, the HuangyaguanWater Gate, and the Bagua Castle (the Eight Diagrams Castle). The defensivesystem of the wall is complete. Watch towers, frontier cities, drain holes,emplacements, barracks and other indispensable military facilities are arrangedorderly along the wall. Besides, the stele forests of the Great Wall, BeijiTemple, the exhibition hall of famous couplets, the Great Wall Museum (the firstmuseum along the Great Wall) and the Phoenix Fortress have been newly builtwithin the area.

Taipingzhai Great Wall :

Six miles southeast of Huangyaguan Pass is the Taipingzhai Great Wall,another important mountain stronghold of the wall during the Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644). It is also called Taipinganzhai, meaning "a village of peace andprosperity". Starting from Banlagang Mountain in the east and arriving at GuafuTower (Widow Tower) in the west, it winds through the precipitous mountains forabout 955 yards.

The wall is an important component of Huangyaguan Great Wall. There are sixwatch towers, one battlement, and one shortcut leading to the wall. Thearchitectural styles of the military towers vary considerably. There are square,round, solid and hollow towers, with some inside and others outside the wall.Beside the shortcut, there is a small citadel where an 8.5-meter statue of QiJiguang, the chief commanding officer of Ji Garrison (one of the elevengarrisons in the Ming Dynasty) is located. The local people built this statue inorder to commemorate his great contribution to frontier peace and stability inthat period. To the west of the citadel, a section of the wall extends 33 yardsout to where a sentry post was situated.

At the western end of the wall is a square stone tower called Guafu Tower,"Widow Tower" in English, built by twelve wives whose husbands died during theconstruction of the wall in the Ming Dynasty. The widows erected this tower tocommemorate their husbands' notable exploits. The tower has two levels andmeasures 13-meters (14-yards) high. Arched arrow windows are on the four sidesof the tower.

Besides these cultural points of interest, Taipingzhai Great Wall is alsofamous for its amazingly impressive scenery. Zigzagging along the mountain ridgefor over 984 yards, the wall looks very much like a giant dragon flying throughclouds.

Mt. Panshan Scenic Area :

Covering an area of 106 square kilometers (about 26193 acres), Mt. PanshanScenic Area is located in Jixian County, 110 kilometers (68.4 miles) away fromTianjin, 88 kilometers (54.7 miles) away from Beijing. As the name suggests, thescenic area is mainly Mt Panshan–oriented. Endowed with natural beauty and ahistorical heritage, Mt Panshan is known as 'The First Mountain East of Beijing'and is listed as one of the top fifteen mountains in China.

The mountain acquired its present name, early in the Eastern Han (25-220).Taizong , the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), was prodigal of hispraise of its scenery on his chance visit when he led the army in a campaign.Seventy-two temples, thirteen pagodas and numerous Xanadus and towers were builton the mountain in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911). Qianlong, a brilliant and wise Qing Dynasty emperor was soimpressed that he made thirty or so visits and wrote 1366 poems to express hisadmiration of the area. In the first half of the twentieth century, the wholeresort all fell to ruin due to hostilities and neglect. It has undergone aprocess of restoration since the 1990s and is now regaining its fame.

It is famous for jade pine trees, strange and astonishing peaks, clearwaters, grotesquely shaped rocks and clusters of ancient temples. On themountaintop, numerous pines hide the sky from view and block out the sunshine.Rugged rocks in a variety of shapes, some of which resemble a toad, a general ora boa, will greet you in the middle of the mountain. At its foot, clear watersplashes on the rocks. The mountain consists of five peaks, with the main one,Guayue (Moon Hanging) Peak. Although Guayue Peak is only 857 meters (2811.7feet) above sea level, to the north it is possible to see a section of the GreatWall while to the west Mt Taihang can be seen.

From the Wei State during the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280) onwards,emperors enthusiastically commissioned the building of temples, towers andXanadus resulting in over 160 such sites. There are four main temples: TianchengTemple (God Proposing Temple), Yunzhao Temple (Cloud-Hiding Temple), WanfoTemple (Ten Thousand-Buddha Temple) and Wansong Temple (Ten Thousand-PineTemple). Tiancheng Temple built in the Tang Dynasty, was enlarged and repairedin the Ming and the Qing dynasties. To the east of this temple stands theAncient Dagoba. As the biggest tower in this mountain, it has thirteen floors.The roof of the Yunzhao Temple was a golden yellow, a color that normally wasonly allowed to be used on imperial buildings. By granting permission for this,Emperor Qianlong demonstrated his approval and admiration of the mountain. WanfoTemple (Ten Thousand-Buddha Temple) has 10,960 small Buddhas statues.

英文导游词范文 篇8

Dandong is located on the banks of Yalu River and yellow coast in thesoutheast of Liaoning Province, across the river from Sinuiju city of theDemocratic Republic of Korea, with an administrative area of 135200 squarekilometers. There are 36 ethnic groups including Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui andNorth Korea, with a total population of 2.43 million. In 1988, it became an opencoastal city with the approval of the State Council. It has jurisdiction overDonggang City, Fengcheng City, Kuandian Manchu Autonomous County, Zhenxing City,Yuanbao city and Zhen'an city and a national border economic cooperation zone.In 20__, it was listed as the "five points and one line" key development area inLiaoning coastal area.

Dandong is located in the center of Northeast Asia. It is an importantintersection of Northeast Asia economic circle and Bohai rim economic circle. Itis the main land passage connecting the Korean peninsula with China and Eurasia.It is the easternmost starting point of China's great wall and the northernmoststarting point of China's Wanli sea border. It has unique advantages of coastal,riverside and border.

The railway transportation is 220 kilometers away from Pyongyang and 420kilometers away from Seoul. It is an important hub running through the railwayartery of Northeast Asia. The highway traffic is 220 kilometers away fromShenyang, the provincial capital, and 252 kilometers away from Dalian, forming abalance with the two northern central cities.

Dandong port is only 245 nautical miles away from Incheon port of SouthKorea, which is a very convenient sea passage connecting South Korea and Japan.Dandong has initially formed a three-dimensional transportation network of land,sea and air.

In Liaoning's coastal opening-up strategy, Dandong, as an important pole inLiaoning's "five points and one line" opening-up pattern, is facingunprecedented development opportunities. The development and construction ofDandong new area will make Dandong from a "river city" to a "port city",providing a new and higher grade ideal space for domestic and foreign investorsto invest in Dandong.

Dandong is close to mountains, river and sea. It has beautiful scenery andpleasant climate. There is no intense heat in summer and no severe cold inwinter. Its annual average temperature is 9 ℃. It is known as "the north andsouth of the Yangtze River". It is the warmest and humid place in NortheastChina and one of the most suitable cities for human beings to live in. In theterritory, rivers, lakes, seas, mountains, springs, forests, islands and othernatural landscapes are complete and each has its own characteristics. It has 24national and provincial tourist scenic spots, nature reserves and forest parks.It is one of the top 20 "citizens' most satisfied cities" in China. It is anexcellent tourist city in China and a garden city in Liaoning Province.

Dandong has a coastline of 126 kilometers and a beach area of 328 squarekilometers. It has good conditions for the development of port, shipbuilding,tourism, power generation, aquaculture and other industries. Dandong is rich ingeothermal resources, with 17 natural dew points. It is a famous hot springresort in Northeast China.

英文导游词范文 篇9

Beidaihe - A Must for Birds Watchers

Set on the coast some 280 km east of Beijing, the seaside holiday resort of Beidaihe is famous not only as a tourist center and as a good place to recuperate after illness, but also as one of the best places in the world to see migratory birds.

China''s Yanshan Mountain Range winds its way thousands of miles from the west to the eastern seaboard. It sends a number of waterways like the Henghe, Daihe, Yanghe and Luanhe rivers down to the Bohai Sea at Beidaihe. They create a vast area of wetlands, mud-banks, and lagoons with rich feeding and good places for birds to rest. Here migratory routes come together like great seasonal rivers of birds linking northeast Asia with south China, Indo-China, Australia and even far off east Africa.

Nature has richly endowed Beidaihe with bird species and of the 1,198 found in China, 416 have been recorded at Beidaihe. This is a part of the world that plays host to eighteen species of gulls, three of swans, and six of cranes.

Xu Weishu, vice director of the China Ornithological Society tells of the time when as many as 2,729 oriental white storks were recorded in Beidaihe, doubling the previous world record.

Look into the skies of Beidaihe in the first ten days of November every year and you will be sure to see flocks of red-crowned cranes and white cranes.

The year from May 1999 to May 20xx saw ten new bird species added to the list for Beidaihe.

Back in the 1940s Danish scientist, Axel Hemmingsen, published a report saying that he had seen large numbers of cranes at Beidaihe, but no one followed up on this at the time. Then in 1985 guided by Hemmingsen''s report, British ornithologist Doctor Martin Williams first came to Beidaihe. With the help of an official from the Beidaihe tourism authority, Dr Williams visited Shijiutuo Island in nearby Laoting County. What he discovered there was far beyond his expectations and he found many new kinds of birds. Since then, accompanied by his Chinese counterpart, Xu Weishu, he has brought many overseas professionals together in Beidaihe every year to enjoy watching the birds and carry out research.

Since the first two parties of Chinese bird enthusiasts visited Beidaihe in 1999, more and more domestic visitors have joined bird watching groups going there on vacation.

Beidaihe has enjoyed a good reputation since 1893. It was then that a British engineer helping build a railway line recognized that with its low hills, beaches and sea breezes, the headland was an ideal place to go to escape the summer heat of the interior. On his recommendation, the first holidaymakers arrived. Beidaihe, until then a poor fishing village, quickly became popular with diplomats, merchants, missionaries, and well off Chinese.

Meanwhile the birds are regular visitors here too. Flocks of gulls are easily spotted. What might not be so easy is to be able to distinguish among the bewildering variety in the skies over Beidaihe. Many different birds pass through here as the seasons come and go and every year still sees fresh species spotted. It is a magnificent sight to see the occasional flock of large cranes pass by or to watch the birds of prey, however the larger birds have been decreasing in number.

Round the calendar

The period spanning the last ten days of April through the last ten days of May is the best season for bird watching. This is when you can see the greatest number and variety of birds in Beidaihe.

Then the period from the last ten days of August through September is the time for the medium and small wading birds to pass through.

October brings another peak season as many birds pass through the area, going south for the winter.

As the colder weather comes in with the first ten days of November, flocks of cranes will be making their way south. They will come north again the following March.

The best spots

For waterfowl and songbirds, try Chitu Hill, Lianfeng Hill and the hilltops in Geziwo Park or the many well-wooded courtyards in Beidaihe District.

· For swimming and wading birds, Daihe, Yanghe and Dapu rivers should not disappoint.

· Visit Jiaoshan Mountain to enjoy watching birds of prey and songbirds.

· Shijiutuo Island in nearby Laoting County is well worth an extended visit of a few days duration.

During the course of a typical 12-day visit, you might expect to see 200 different kinds of birds. Beidaihe China International Travel Service arranges specialist tours for bird enthusiasts. Their office number is 086-335-4033598.

英文导游词范文 篇10

South bay monkey island scenic spot of the four seasons green trees, green scenery charming, with the most distinctive features of hainan clean fascinating beach, charming beautiful coconut trees, white than natural beach, colorful coral reefs. Known as "sea market," said the fish raft amorous feelings, the ancient lingshui one of "eight sights". South bay monkey island scenic area of about 9 square kilometers, 14 km long, at its widest point is only 1 km, an average elevation of 150 meters. There are three natural villages on the island, more than 3000 people and 500 acres of farmland. Monkey island surrounded by sea on three sides,, white with a green hill near. Climb on the island, like a fat iron cast anchor into the depths of the south China sea, surrounded by beautiful white sands is like a red clusters cui picture as attractive.

Monkey monkey island view bay to the south, the endless joy. The monkey on the island, there are several group have been domesticated. Could you take a photo for them, and they had a group photo taken. Monkey best moment is feeding management personnel, whistle, whistle rang full mountain tree shakes grass, macaques have some any, some series of cavort in the tree swing, blink and assembled, side for eat, side play chirp goo goo, diversity. If not at feeding time island it doesn't matter, as long as you buy a bag or two before the view HouYuan catsup food, such as monkeys and would be happy to make friends with you, will be more than the enthusiasm and initiative to accept your respect. You should be aware of is the monkey monkey sun don't like cheating. If you want to "their monkey", only bright food and don't feed it to eat, or see fisting LiangKai is empty palms, then, the monkey will be to you, pyrazole tooth mouth shouted, or quickly came to you, will give you a surprise. Visitors can enjoy the screaming monkey art sketch, full of spiritual circus performance, can also take picture with monkeys, intimate contact, don't have a taste, aerial cable car is convenient the visitors into the island, think visitors provides a new perspective of hainan breeze chaton. South bay monkey island reception facilities are also constantly improving, the new environmental protection battery car, after the renovation of ships to match the cable car, visitors in and out of the island is very convenient, south bay monkey island has become an important part of hainan tourism market products.

On the monkey island has a monkey protection zones, and clean and attractive beaches, tall coconut trees, white than natural beach, colorful coral reefs, known as "maritime market" fish raft amorous feelings, ancient lingshui, one of the eight sights "tung building the fishing", etc.; Visitors can take the longest of the cableway throughout the island, enjoy the beauty of the lovely fairy island between the blue sky and magic.

Monkey island scenic place all kinds of plants with strewn at random have send, show originality; Naughty, lovely monkey under the green shade, the branches flutters ZongYue, chasing fight, play like no one's watching. SAN pool "bath" is the monkey's water park, the domestication division, under the command of the macaques, diving, swimming, or top divers show visitors the nature characteristics and the ability of good water. The hilarious monkey monkey acrobatics art sketch and full of fun, the hospitable macaques honor guard parade greeter, creative original ecological architecture all visitors linger.

Bay of scenic spot tourism cableway will mysterious monkey island, charming tropical south bay harbor, full-bodied "house of huangshao folk customs" landscape series, noisy fishing port into a line. Take the cable car on the sea is empty, can thousand sails to compete sends overlooking the harbor, fish raft with cheng jing; Tourists bathed in the cool sea breeze, but beyond the clean charming beaches and enchanting spectacular coconut trees swaying, large white clouds blue sky ornament, visible skyline in the harmony, the beauty of the pleasant aftertaste making a person is boundless.

英文导游词范文 篇11

Dear friends hello, everyone, today I will take you to visit is Beijing north on the edge of the Confucian temple and guozijian, you can see here today, early to wish you happy! Beijing imperial academy is located in Beijing dongcheng district settle door guozijian street (formerly known as cheng Yin street), and the Confucius temple. The imperial overall building sits, distribution on the axis jixian door (door), business (second), coloured glaze memorial arch, construct harmony, yi lun hall, JingYiTing. Things on both sides of the four six hall hall, a traditional symmetric pattern, is the only ancient existing in our country, the central public university construction. Main building of Beijing temple of Confucius is covered with yellow glazed tiles, is the highest building in the feudal society regulation.


You come with me now I see past the door; Also called lingxingmeng is Confucius temple gate, door width between three and seven deep purlin, single eaves jehiel the top of the hill, basically retained the architectural style of yuan dynasty, past the door on both sides of the connection in the outer wall of the temple, is a city gate. Enter the past the door, right against the face is dacheng door. Dacheng door was established in the yuan dynasty, rebuilt in the qing dynasty, the width between five and nine purlin, deep single eaves jehiel the top of the mountain. The entire building is located on the tall brick stylobate, embossed on the royal standing in the way of high sea dragon pattern, wulong play bead, lifelike. Dacheng in front of the corridor on both sides by 10 shek kwu, each raised from stone carving a poem in ancient safari. This is when the qing qianlong imitation Zhou Xuan Georgian stone relics upon everyone to think in this photograph.

Everybody tell me tight I now the first into the courtyard of the former arranges various matters, that is the emperor, the east of the slaughter pavilion, well pavilions, kitchen god, the dishes that look, that is used to slaughter, cleaning and cooking. On both sides of the library, lent by god for offering Kong Liqi store and prepare offerings.

The second into the courtyard is the center of the Confucius temple courtyard, every time, for the Confucius memorial ceremony here then bell and drum everywhere, deriving euphoria, ceremonial majesty. Dacheng hall is the second into the main architecture of the courtyard, has also been the center of the whole Confucian temple architecture, is the most sacred temple in the Confucius temple. Dacheng hall built Yu Dade after six years, was destroyed in the war, Ming yongle nine years (in the reconstruction, the qing guangxu thirty-two years between the temple by expansion between 7 to 9. Inside the brics floor, in the top group longjing mouth smallpox, their level of regulation is the highest building, comparable to the palace hall of supreme harmony. Temple consecrate Confucius "dacheng them.the most holy king," who're, as both sides have obtain "four with twelve zhe" memorial tablet., ghost lead the case on a statue, jue, You, Bian, beans and other phenomena are the qing qianlong drive makes genuine. Inside and outside the hall hangs 9 to xuantong emperor of the qing emperor kangxi imperial tablets, all is the emperor book probes into four words of Confucius, is precious cultural relics.

The third into the yard's most distinctive, Confucius temple is composed of the footprints door, temple worship and things peidian peidian independent complete compound, and the former binary compound segmentation significantly and natural transition, reflects the ancients, the clever conception on the ministry of construction bureau. This group of buildings called the footprints temple, is the home of the five generations of ancestors worship Confucius temple. Built in Ming jiajing nine years, rebuild two years qing qianlong, green glazed tile roof instead of the gray tiles and roof. Chung temple, also known as the five dynasties shrine, width between five and seven deep purlin, before the house has a wide platform, the platform built on three sides with step every tenth level. Temple consecrate Confucius memorial tablet of five generations of ancestors and obtain YanHui, hole Ji, who, mencius memorial tablet of the father of the four ancient Chinese philosophers. Things peidian peidian, located in masonry stylobate, width between three and five deep purlin, single eaves the hanging, in cheng, cheng hao finds brother, zhang zai, Cai Shen, zhou dunyi, zhu six Confucianism, the father of the first.

Watching operas.it comprises three courtyards and buildings with clear level difference and function division, harmony to form a whole set of royal sacrificial architecture community, is a prominent representative of Chinese ancient architecture.

Good rest, the next station is a famous institution of the imperial college, all with me tight now I went to jixian quo zi jian's door, the door is the door yard has well pavilions, held on the east side of the door communicates with Confucius. A second - business door, into the quo zi jian is the imperial college of the second into the yard, there are coloured glaze memorial arch, harmony and yi lun hall.

Now you tell me I will stay, let me introduce for you construct harmony and yi lun hall, came slowly into the business with me now to the door, the front is imperial academy two door large coloured glaze memorial arch, it is the only specifically for education in Beijing and set up a memorial arch. Banners are on both sides of the emperor, is a symbol of respecting culture in ancient China from. , located in jixian door are the three four pillars between the hip roof top on the 7th floor type coloured glaze memorial arch, 48 years of qianlong (1783). Is face book "teach jersey won bridge", just as the "university in section view," painting, is the only do not belong to Beijing temple coloured glaze memorial arch

Now, let me explain to you the quo zi jian construct harmony, it is the center of the imperial academy building, built in the axis center of a square in the middle of a circular pool high stage, save spire is a square faced the house. All around to open the door, set 6 steps. Construct harmony around the promenade, all set up delicate Bridges across the pool to make the house and yard are interlinked, this kind of architectural form as a symbol of nature round place. Acceded to the throne after the emperor qianlong, whenever a new emperor, are here to do a lecture, in a show of the central government's emphasis on higher education.

Six hall is on the left, it is located in the monarch harmony of left and right sides of the 33 rooms, collectively known as six don, respectively is: HFM hall, hall, hall, the truth monastery hall, hall of justice, wide industry hall of fame, is gongsheng guo-zi-jian diploma of the classroom. Ask now I have a look at the right of the yi lun hall, it is located in the north of monarch harmony hall, the yuan dynasty, chongwen pavilion, the Ming dynasty yongle rebuilt and renamed yi lun hall, in the early years was the emperor to give lectures, after construction of monarch harmony, to the prison library. You followed me to go now, behind is JingYiTing, it is located in yi lun hall, is the third into the quo zi jian yard. Building the Ming jiajing seven years, and has a drink offering wing wing and the department of industry and seven drive makes word tablet, is a place for drink offering quo zi jian in the office. You see my finger's direction, in between the Confucian temple and guozijian passageway, there is a made up of 189 large stone forest of steles. Stone carving with Confucian classics: zhouyi, "history", the "book of songs", "rites" and "yili", "rites", "spring and autumn zuo zhuan, the biography of the spring and autumn period and the ram," the spring and autumn GuLiang biography ", the analects of Confucius, "xiao", "mencius", "er ya". This writing is the blueprint of yongzheng years jiangsu jintan gongsheng Jiang Heng lasted 12 years and calligraphy. Fifty-six years of qianlong (1791 AD) burring on the monkey made a. All writing a total of more than 630000 words, large scale, our method is good, the accuracy of the content and the seal of fine degrees are better than that of xi 'an "writing", and in terms of scale is the second largest after xi 'an forest of steles forest of steles. Legend emperor qianlong life ho-shen, wangjie as President, Peng Yuanrui, liu2 yong as vice-president to textual research. Peng Yuanrui rare books in the song thirteen classics HeDing Jiang Heng calligraphy by the draft, and the popular form of characters to the old style, make the text more complete specification, ancient meaning, qianlong praised, were given taizi Pacific title. This makes ho-shen envy is special, of rights in one's hand he ordered overnight to stone tablets to mend all the old style. Until after the collapse of the declaration and archaic handwriting to repair again, there are pieces of dig on BeiMian traces

Now I first drink offering is to introduce the quo zi jian yuan dynasty famous neo-confucianism Xu Heng, at that time, a student more than 200 people. Students studying here is called "guo-zi-jian diploma", roughly three sources: a scholar in the selection of the right direction guo-zi-jian diploma from all parts of the country, to the further study; Second, foreign students, mostly from Korea and their logic, dispatched, Russia, etc.; 3 it is to "donate", front guo-zi-jian diploma, as long as the money to pay the full, can receive "prison", a guo-zi-jian diploma.

Ok everyone around now, photograph, taken everybody, what's the end of our journey, you'll actually Confucius temple and the imperial college have too many things in hope you once again for coming here in a wide-variety of culture, thank you, goodbye everyone!

英文导游词范文 篇12

Lying at the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City, called Gu Gong, in Chinese, was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now known as the Palace Museum, it is to the north of Tiananmen Square. Rectangular in shape, it is the world‘s largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares. Surrounded by a six meter deep moat and a ten meter high wall are 9,999 buildings. The wall has a gate on each side. Opposite the Tiananmen Gate, to the north is the Gate of Devine Might (Shenwumen), which faces Jingshan Park. The distance between these two gates is 960 meters, while the distance between the gates in the east and west walls is 750 meters. There are unique and delicately structured towers on each of the four corners of the curtain wall. These afford views over both the palace and the city outside. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts. The southern section, or the Outer Court was where the emperor exercised his supreme power over the nation. The northern section, or the Inner Court was where he lived with his royal family. Until 1924 when the last emperor of China was driven from the Inner Court, fourteen emperors of the Ming dynasty and ten emperors of the Qing dynasty had reigned here. Having been the imperial palace for some five centuries, it houses numerous rare treasures and curiosities. Listed by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1987, the Palace Museum is now one of the most popular tourist attractions world wide.

Construction of the palace complex began in 1407, the 5th year of the Yongle reign of the third emperor of the Ming dynasty. It was completed fourteen years later in 1420. It was said that a million workers including one hundred thousand artisans were driven into the long-term hard labor. Stone needed was quarried from Fangshan, a suburb of Beijing. It was said a well was dug every fifty meters along the road in order to pour water onto the road in winter to slide huge stones on ice into the city. Huge amounts of timber and other materials were freighted from faraway provinces. Ancient Chinese people displayed their very considerable skills in building the Forbidden City. Take the grand red city wall for example. It has an 8.6 meters wide base reducing to 6.66 meters wide at the top. The angular shape of the wall totally frustrates attempts to climb it. The bricks were made from white lime and glutinous rice while the cement is made from glutinous rice and egg whites. These incredible materials make the wall extraordinarily strong.

Since yellow is the symbol of the royal family, it is the dominant color in the Forbidden City. Roofs are built with yellow glazed tiles; decorations in the palace are painted yellow; even the bricks on the ground are made yellow by a special process. However, there is one exception. Wenyuange, the royal library, has a black roof. The reason is that it was believed black represented water then and could extinguish fire.

Nowadays, the Forbidden City, or the Palace Museum is open to tourists from home and abroad. Splendid painted decoration on these royal architectural wonders, the grand and deluxe halls, with their surprisingly magnificent treasures will certainly satisfy "modern civilians".

英文导游词范文 篇13

Tourists friends, hello, welcome you to the three gorges tourism. Seven hundred in the three gorges, the grand risk, pull beautiful beautiful, four seasons beautiful scene different style. Winter, spring pool, green west, blame BaiLingFeng, flying waterfall suspended; The summer water rises, the river surging; Your autumn the chill cold, ape cry. Into the three gorges somebody else, tasting the golden orange; On the three gorges dam, majestic momentum. Affectionate three gorges scenery, the people's enthusiasm, welcome you often swim here. I hope you happy in this trip, a nice day.

TanZiLing scenic spot is a national first batch AAAA level scenic area, is the earliest development of the three gorges dam scenic area, in 1997, the official start of the reception foreign tourists due to its observation deck at the top like a named overturned jars, the scenic spot is located for the dam construction surveying points, elevation 262.48 meters, is the best place to watch the panoramic view of three gorges project, not only can enjoy the three gorges dam on the powerful ZhuangWei, still can watch stand bolt upright a precipice "Yangtze river gorge" fourth two-way five locks.

TanZiLing scenic spot is the commanding heights of the three gorges site, is the best place to watch the panoramic view of three gorges project. TanZiLing for inverting image outside a jar. Scenic area of about 100000 square meters of the whole scenic spots including the observation deck, anaglyph big book, iron and steel group, one hundred million Jiang Shi model room and green belts, and so on, showed the long-standing three gorges culture comprehensive, expressed the people hydration and water as a distinct theme, man can conquer nature.

TanZiLing because its shape looks like a mountain of sichuan people make kimchi named buckle the jar at the top of the hill, elevation 262.48 meters, the three gorges dam is 15.28 square kilometers land within the scope of the commanding heights above sea level, on the top of the TanZiLing observation deck, overlooking the three gorges dam construction, get a good view of the xiling cattle rock's beautiful scenery and the prospect of new county zigui.

Legend has it that dayu harnessing of 3 a house but not into, in god cow help through KuiMen, pushed open the channel in 400, familiar people gratitude, with a huge boat carrying 24 pig head and a large altar wine to treat. To the accomplishment, but see that god cattle smoke cloud, only left a video in the high mountain, after the people called scalpers rock. The dayu also track god cattle travel, left over from a statue of stone as a souvenir. Touched by people for a long time refused to leave, make huge boat in the river on the waiting, the giant ship into a small island - being built at zhongbaodao island. The ship's pig into the river, will be 24 in rocks, and the altar wine is on the left bank, unreal TanZiLing and popular. Buddha, it is said that on sunny weather, the breeze peak to peak in the river, wine consumption binge, also really ecstatic.

The entire park in a highly increasing from top to bottom is divided into three layers, showrooms, mainly by the model ten thousand a recently stone, river closure, the three gorges dam foundation, silver version gobbledygook and TanZiLing landscape, such as the observation deck and spectacular fountains and beautiful waterfalls, winding streams, green lawn, this process, in a static dynamic, moving in the static, as if place oneself in the beautiful paradise.

英文导游词范文 篇14

Tianjin Ancient Culture Street with 600 years history, standing in the areaof key section in upstream of the Haihe River, is located in Nankai district ofTianjin. Covering an area of 224,200 sq meters, it used to be one of earliestwater transport docklands in Tianjin where is one of the busiest cities ofcommerce and trade in history. As a cultural precinct, Tianjin Ancient CultureStreet is well known by the local and overseas tourists. The two attractions,Yuan Huang Ge and Tian Hou Temple are two historic cultural relics in the listof city level ones reversed.

Tianjin Ancient Cultural Street rebuilt in 1980's is one of the greatsuccesses in the renovation and redevelopment. The whole block is stillconserved the existing urban pattern and tissue of traditional Chinese layout.The lanes and houses in the Street are almost preserved in a good condition withTianjin local feathers. In past time, whenever the day of 23th of March in lunarcalendar was coming, a great ceremony would be held here, which it is said thatit is the birthday of heaven Mother. On the ceremony, many Chinese traditionalperformances would be seen, such as Shiziwu (dancing play as a lion),Huahanchuan (dancing with a ship 杔ike dressing), Caigaoqiao (dancing standing ona high stick) and so on.

As the result of expanding Tian Hou Temple, renovating Yu Huang Ge buildingand renewing the Haihe Lou, this street with fine landscape and distinctivearchitectural style has been a flourish, cultural and tourist area. The newplanning and design for the Street had paid more attention to the waterfront andconnecting with surrounding around, especially the Old City in the west.

英文导游词范文 篇15

Dear friends: visitors

Hello everyone, I am your touring in guilin tour guide this time, thank you gave me the chance to be an exercise, all I will do my own ability to explain for you.

Ok, we get to the point. Saying the "landscape jiatianxia guilin," guilin has the characteristics of this region, is in flat land and river, grids, abrupt SenYu, each are not connected.

We are on this side of the center of guilin, there is a danger. It's called xiufeng alone, bulging mountain, like a giant big column, known as "south tianyi column"

Next, I guide you in outrigger canoes to see guilin is the most beautiful one in the river, the lijiang river. We can see what is the distinguishing feature of the lijiang river water? Yes, lijiang river water eerily quiet, quiet we don not feel it in the flow; The lijiang river water on the bottom, can see there are a lot of beautiful fish swimming in the water; The lijiang river water also special green, green can and flawless was comparable.

You see, the attraction is "xiangshan shui", it is synthesized from xiangshan and hidden holes. The xiangshan also called elephant trunk hill, because it resembles a giant elephant is the river water. Elephant trunk hill that long nose, the depth of the water and mountain ready round the cave, "hidden hole". Hole on the surface is very smooth.

This is the camel mountain, beautiful legend about it next time tell you,

Good, today I take you to visit here, welcome to come to guilin, I have a lot of shortcomings, hope everyone advice, the small time we goodbye. Bye bye!

英文导游词范文 篇16

Dunhuang is located in the hexi corridor is the most western end, the northern edge of the qinghai-tibet plateau area, is sweet, the green, the new three provinces at the junction, is one of the four town of hexi in history. A total of 150000 people, covers an area of 30000 square kilometers.

Dunhuang is the national famous historical and cultural city, has a history of more than 20xx years ago. It is beyond the ancient silk road, qiang tathagata (qinghai road), west south, north crossed the border fortress. From the northeast line too anxi, dunhuang for hexi avenue to the central plains; West out of the sunlight, western region south road, connected with the ruoqiang county of xinjiang along the silk road; Northwest line yumenguan, along the west, north to hami and lop nur were systematically stud Ed Dunhuang south through thoroughly kazak autonomous county, more than the altun, direct the golmud in qinghai province.

Dunhuang grottoes, also known as the mogao grottoes, thousand-buddha grottoes, located 25 kilometers southeast of dunhuang the singing of the cliffs, is one of the world famous four grottoes, also represents China's largest and most abundant content, artistic value of the highest, grotto art is regarded as "the pearl of the silk road".

In 1900, more than fifty thousand volumes of religious and secular documents found that make the dunhuang mogao grottoes and enjoy "the world art treasure house", "the greatest existing buddhist art treasure of the world", the double crown. In December 1987, UNESCO listed the mogao grottoes on the world heritage list.

The characteristics of the mogao grottoes art in building, statues and murals on the organic combination of the painted sculpture art outstanding accomplishments, rich imagination and romantic, fresco composition grand changeable, coloring more heavy and complicated, smooth fine lines, with strong artistic appeal. Wat zen, shadow, palace, tower, temple, dome top wat wait for a variety of shape; Painted circle, floating, shadow, good karma and other forms; Murals statue like, JingBian, historic stories, Buddhism, architecture, landscape, feed, animal, decoration, such as different content, the time span of one thousand six hundred years, is a rare precious cultural treasure.
