

2023-12-10 07:45:03 实用文档

重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇1





重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇2





观 景广场的主体建筑面积6万平方米,高21.8米,逐层跌落共有4层.层顶广场,就是我们所站的这个广场,它的面积1.7万平方米,是中国最大的层顶公共广场.广场地面铺着红、黑大理石和错色镶嵌的红、白、蓝广场砖.广场上有灯柱、音乐、喷泉、草坪及小叶榕、假槟榔 金橘等.广场还设有专门的残疾人道,还保留着重庆城区仅存的一座缆车.

重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇3

大 家再注意看长江水,当江水极枯时会露出一块长约200米的如鲸鱼脊背的石梁.中间刻着12块水文碑.相传石梁的出现预示着丰收之年,因此枯水碑又被称为丰年碑.但并非代代都能见到,有记载的1700多年来,每600年才露一次面,最后一次露面是1937年盛夏.当然了,这只是古时人们的一个传说,如今我们的生活可说是年年丰收.这个石梁还有一个“乌龟石”的故事.大家看那石头像乌龟吗?(停顿)其实它只是重庆人的一个误传,因为重庆口音中“wu”跟“hu”不分,它本来的名字是“呼归石”.这个传说故事讲的是大禹之妻涂山女,自丈夫新婚三日离家治水去后,天天站在与丈夫别离的这块大石上呼唤丈夫的归来.此举感动了龙王,并派神龟把石头拱高,使她看得更远.日久天长,涂山女的身子与石头化为一体,变成了江中这块“呼归石”



重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇4


好了,现在我们就来到了位于重庆城东北,长江和嘉陵江交汇处的朝天门了.到过德国或听说过 “德意志之角”的朋友都知道,在莱茵河和美茵河交汇处的“德意志之角”与我们今天看到的朝天门有异曲同工之妙.现在我们所处的位置就是朝天门的正面,大家请抬头看,这是一块纯黑的花岗石碑,碑上雕刻着金色领导的题词:“重庆朝天门广场”几个大字.请大家跟我沿石梯向上走.这是碑的背面,它的正中为重庆古城图,两侧,一边(我的左手边)为朝天门建设记事,一边(右手边)为《重庆朝天门广场赋》.


据 专家考证,朝天门是在战国时期,秦国著名外交家张仪和三国时期诸葛亮的大将李严驻守时所筑土城的基础上,再由明朝朱元璋的大将戴鼎于明洪武四年(1371年)扩建大城时建造命名的.因为当时(明代)筑城开门,九开八闭共十七门,只有八门发展为商业码头,以这里(朝天门)为最繁荣.朝天,是朝向天子和京师,迎接皇帝的意思.当年传递圣旨和重要公文的驿站,重庆的起点站“朝天驿”就设在这里.当朝廷派来重庆上任的命官、御差,都要齐集朝天门拜谢;离任的命官在离开重庆时,也在此恭请圣安,后启程上船.

重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇5



重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇6


好了,现在我们就来到了位于重庆城东北,长江和嘉陵江交汇处的朝天门了.到过德国或听说过 “德意志之角”的朋友都知道,在莱茵河和美茵河交汇处的 “德意志之角”与我们今天看到的朝天门有异曲同工之妙.现在我们所处的位置就是朝天门的正面,大家请抬头看,这是一块纯黑的花岗石碑,碑上雕刻着金色的江 泽民题词:“重庆朝天门广场”几个大字.请大家跟我沿石梯向上走.这是碑的背面,它的正中为重庆古城图,两侧,一边(我的左手边)为朝天门建设记 事,一边(右手边)为《重庆朝天门广场赋》.


据 专家考证,朝天门是在战国时期,秦国著名外交家张仪和三国时期诸葛亮的大将李严驻守时所筑土城的基础上,再由明朝朱元璋的大将戴鼎于明洪武四年(1371 年)扩建大城时建造命名的.因为当时(明代)筑城开门,九开八闭共十七门,只有八门发展为商业码头,以这里(朝天门)为最繁荣.朝天,是朝向天子和京师, 迎接皇帝的意思.当年传递圣旨和重要公文的驿站,重庆的起点站“朝天驿”就设在这里.当朝廷派来重庆上任的命官、御差,都要齐集朝天门拜谢;离任的命官在 离开重庆时,也在此恭请圣安,后启程上船.

朝天门因其地势险要,是重庆历史上最早的一个古码头,而且商务活动兴盛,就有人称朝 天门为“天字第一号码头”.在1891年重庆辟立为商埠,朝天门始设海关,因修建朝天门码头,就将旧城门撤除.但是在1949年的“九二”火灾 使朝天门附近2千米的区域化为废墟.近年来,随着重庆的对外开放,三峡工程的上马和重庆的直辖,这块不足1平方公里的”弹丸之地”却越来越令重庆人汗颜, 旧模样牵动着社会各界的心.




观 景广场的主体建筑面积6万平方米,高21.8米,逐层跌落共有4层.层顶广场,就是我们所站的这个广场,它的面积1.7万平方米,是中国最大的层顶公共广 场.广场地面铺着红、黑大理石和错色镶嵌的红、白、蓝广场砖.广场上有灯柱、音乐、喷泉、草坪及小叶榕、假槟榔 金橘等.广场还设有专门的残疾人道,还保 留着重庆城区仅存的一座缆车.

请大家再跟我沿江边石梯走到广场最底层.好了,大家看这里有一大两小3个“城门洞”,可直通朝天 门观景广场顶层.以前的朝天门属砖石结构,城高10丈.城门外,依附于正门的瓮城上有“朝天门”三个大字,大家看就是现今大“城门洞”上这三个字.,再登 石阶进入大城门,门额上有“古渝雄关”四个威严大字.城楼侧,有元代文宗皇帝御笔题写的题刻“万里归程”.好,大家再回头看这排护岸梯道,它的长为700 米,有128梯,由8万块混泥土砖铺砌,整个梯道呈环江扇形,与广场相互衬托,显得极有气派.


大 家再注意看长江水,当江水极枯时会露出一块长约200米的如鲸鱼脊背的石梁.中间刻着12块水文碑.相传石梁的出现预示着丰收之年,因此枯水碑又被称为丰 年碑.但并非代代都能见到,有记载的1700多年来,每620xx年才露一次面,最后一次露面是1937年盛夏.当然了,这只是古时人们的一个传说,如今我们 的生活可说是年年丰收.这个石梁还有一个“乌龟石”的故事.大家看那石头像乌龟吗?(停顿)其实它只是重庆人的一个误传,因为重庆口音中“wu”跟 “hu”不分,它本来的名字是“呼归石”.这个传说故事讲的是大禹之妻涂山女,自丈夫新婚三日离家治水去后,天天站在与丈夫别离的这块大石上呼唤丈夫的归 来.此举感动了龙王,并派神龟把石头拱高,使她看得更远.日久天长,涂山女的身子与石头化为一体,变成了江中这块“呼归石”



重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇7

各位朋友,大家好!欢迎您登上123号游船,参加“魅力重庆·两江游”开心之旅!重庆是著名的桥都。拟建、在建和已经建成的两江大桥就有34座之多。其中,位于主城的就有16座,建造风格各异,因而重庆又可堪称世界桥梁博物馆。各位,我们游船现在的位置是在重庆朝天门码头。你看,我们正处于两江、三区、四岸的中心位置。我们游船的右面是长江。长江全长6403公里,是中国的第一大河流,世界第三大河流。左面是嘉陵江,全长739公里。我们游船背靠的是渝中半岛,嘉陵江的对岸是江北区,长江的对岸是南岸区,呈三足鼎立之势。重庆市委、市政府规划建设的重庆cbd中央商务区就横跨在这两江交汇的“金三角”地区。目前,作为重庆cbd硬核的渝中区解放碑cbd建设已初具规模。cbd 0.92平方公里的区域内,聚集了全市90%驻渝金融、保险、证券公司总部;全市2/3的驻渝境外银行、保险机构;全市3/4的驻渝世界500强企业和所有外国驻渝领事机构。





重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇8

Hello, everyone! Welcome to board the No.123 cruise ship and take part inthe "charming Chongqing · two river tour" happy journey! Chongqing is a famousbridge city. There are 34 Liangjiang bridges to be built, under construction andcompleted. Among them, 16 are located in the main city, with differentconstruction styles, so Chongqing can be called the World Bridge Museum. Ladiesand gentlemen, our cruise ship is now located at Chaotianmen Wharf in Chongqing.You see, we are in the center of two rivers, three districts and four banks. Tothe right of our cruise ship is the Yangtze River. With a total length of 6403kilometers, the Yangtze River is the largest river in China and the thirdlargest river in the world. On the left is the Jialing River, 739 kilometerslong. Our cruise ship is backed by Yuzhong Peninsula. On the other side of theJialing River is Jiangbei District, and on the other side of the Yangtze Riveris the south district. Chongqing CBD Central Business District, which is plannedand constructed by Chongqing municipal Party committee and Chongqing municipalgovernment, straddles the "Golden Triangle" area where the two rivers meet. Atpresent, as the core of Chongqing CBD, the construction of Jiefangbei CBD inYuzhong District has begun to take shape. In the CBD area of 0.92 squarekilometers, 90% of the headquarters of financial, insurance and securitiescompanies in Chongqing are gathered; 2 / 3 of the overseas banks and insuranceinstitutions in Chongqing; 3 / 4 of the world's top 500 enterprises in Chongqingand all foreign consulates in Chongqing are gathered. Jiefangbei CBD area hasthe highest building world trade center and the largest commercial pedestrianstreet in Western China at present. It gathers the largest retailers, thelargest wholesalers, the largest supermarkets, the largest pharmaceutical retailchain enterprises and the business institutions with the highest level offacilities in Western China. The average daily population flow of the region ismore than 300000, and the peak population flow of major holidays is more than900000, which is worthy of the first street in Western China. In contrast,Chongqing Chaotianmen comprehensive trading market, as the core part ofJiefangbei CBD, its commodities radiate more than 200 cities and counties in theThree Gorges Reservoir area, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Shaanxi and Tibet, withan annual trading volume of nearly 10 billion yuan, ranking among the top 10industrial products wholesale markets in China and ranking the first in WesternChina. Chongqing means double happiness. It has been an auspicious place sinceancient times. I believe it will bring you good luck. We welcome all friends tovisit and invest. Welcome to Chongqing!

1. Everyone, we are standing on the cruise ship and looking out from thedistance. What we see is the magnificent scene of the famous confluence ofChaotian. You see, the Yangtze River comes from the right road, and the JialingRiver flows from the left. The collision of the two rivers stirred up billows.Its momentum was like ten thousand horses galloping, and it was magnificent.There is a great potential for the Yangtze River to roll in and flow to the sea.The ancient poem "a thousand hectares of waves flowing eastward, swallowing thetwo rivers into the heart" is the finishing touch to describe the landscape of"Chaotian confluence". Watching the surging tides of the two rivers andlistening to the sound of the waves of the two rivers often give people thepride of "breaking the waves with long winds, sometimes, flying clouds and sailsto help the sea", and urge people to forge ahead. "Chaotian confluence" hasdifferent landscapes due to the rise and fall of water and different seasons. Insummer, the river is surging like a wild horse. In particular, the water ofJialing River is green and clear, and the water of Yangtze River is red, brownand turbid. In the dry season of the winter solstice and early spring, the vastriver turns into a small stream, and Jialing of the Yangtze River, like twosisters, hand in hand, shows another charm. Sometimes Pentium roar, sometimesgentle, thousands of years of "Chaotian convergence" is so left us endlessreverie.

2. The story of Chaotianmen, ladies and gentlemen, our cruise ship nowstops at Chaotianmen Wharf in Chongqing. Do you know why Chaotianmen wharf iscalled Chaotianmen? There is another story in it. It is said that in the earlyMing Dynasty, 17 gates were built according to the number of nine palaces andeight trigrams. Chaotianmen is the largest one among them, which is called"ancient Chongqing Xiongguan". Because the city gate faces Nanjing, the imperialcapital at that time, it has become a place to welcome the imperial officialswho came to Chongqing to send their orders. The emperor is the son of heaven, soit is called Chaotianmen. Since then, Chaotianmen, as the gateway of Chongqingand the important place where the two rivers meet, has experienced more than 500years of vicissitudes and witnessed the development of Chongqing city. Afterbeing directly under the central government in 1997, the new Chongqing municipalParty committee and government decided to build a square in Chaotianmen to dressup the new Chongqing!

3. Chaotianmen square Chaotianmen square is a landmark of new Chongqing. Asyou saw just now when you got on board and passed through the square, the firstthing that came to our eyes was the seven glittering gold-plated characters"Chongqing Chaotianmen square" inscribed by Jiang Zemin, then general secretaryof the CPC Central Committee, which showed the general secretary's ardent hopefor the new Chongqing. The total investment of Chaotianmen square project is 300million yuan, covering an area of 80000 square meters. It is composed of fourparts: sightseeing square, revetment terrace, traffic square and surroundingenvironment. The viewing square is the core part of Chaotianmen square, coveringan area of 17000 square meters. With the grand, beautiful and magnificentconception, it is surrounded by two rivers and natural terrain. The ground ofthe square is elegant and generous, the plants are evergreen all the year round,the lighting fountains are moving like clouds, the art sketches are in differentforms, and there are passages for the disabled and tourist parking lots. Theshape of the whole square is like a giant ship that has set sail. It contains anew Chongqing with 3000 years of long history and culture and great vitality. Itis full of the hope of 31 million people of all ethnic groups and is heading fora better future. The revetment terrace is the basic part of Chaotianmen viewingsquare. It is in arc shape, adjacent to the Yangtze River and Jialing River. Itis 48 meters wide, 400 meters long and 18 meters high. It is made of 40000terraces. The whole terrace, such as the great wall beside the river, not onlyprotects Chaotianmen square, but also adds a magnificent landscape to thesquare. It is the most spectacular and largest river bank terrace in China atpresent. I also want to tell you that Chaotianmen square is a new bright spot.That is a 35000 square meter Chongqing Planning Exhibition Hall. In addition tothe long-term planning of Chongqing, there are also a large number of folkhouses such as Diaojiaolou, which is unique to Chongqing, to give you a completeconcept of Bayu in the past, present and future.

重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇9














重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇10







重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇11

I believe many netizens who travel with the group to Chongqing must havebeen to Chongqing Chaotianmen. They must have heard the guide's explanation ofChongqing Chaotianmen, but they probably forgot it later. Some friends have notlistened to the guide at all, or those who like self driving travel have noguide at all. Now I'll sort out the tour guide words of Chongqing Chaotianmen asfollows. Friends who like to collect tour guide words of scenic spots, or thosewho want to go to Chongqing Chaotianmen but haven't, can enjoy them here.

Well, now we are in the northeast of Chongqing, The Chaotian gate at theconfluence of the Yangtze River and Jialing River. Friends who have been toGermany or heard of "the corner of Germany" all know that the Chaotian gate atthe confluence of the Rhine River and the Meiyin river "The corner of Germany"is similar to the Chaotianmen we see today. Now we are in the front ofChaotianmen. Please look up. This is a pure black granite tablet with goldenriver carved on it General secretary Zemin's inscription: "Chongqing Chaotianmensquare" in big characters. Please follow me up the stone ladder. This is theback of the monument. Its center is the picture of Chongqing ancient city. Onboth sides, one side (my left side) is the chronicle of Chaotianmen squareconstruction, and the other side (my right side) is the ode to ChongqingChaotianmen square

Please pay attention to the picture of the ancient city in the middle. Whyis this place called Chaotianmen?

According to expert research, Chaotianmen was built in the Warring Statesperiod when Zhang Yi, a famous diplomat in the state of Qin, and Li Yan, ageneral of Zhugeliang in the Three Kingdoms period, were stationed in the EarthCity. Then, Dai Ding, a general of Zhu Yuanzhang in the Ming Dynasty, wasstationed in the fourth year of Hongwu in 1371 It was built and named when thecity was expanded. At that time (Ming Dynasty), there were 17 gates with ninegates open and eight gates closed. Only eight gates developed into commercialdocks, and Chaotian gate was the most prosperous one, Chaotian post, thestarting point of Chongqing, was set up here. When the imperial court sent theMing officials and Imperial Envoys to Chongqing, they all gathered at Chaotiangate to thank them. When the former Ming officials left Chongqing, they alsoinvited Sheng'an and set out on the ship

Chaotianmen is one of the earliest ancient docks in Chongqing historybecause of its precipitous terrain and prosperous business activities. Somepeople call Chaotianmen "the No.1 wharf of Tianzi". In 1891, Chongqing wasestablished as a commercial port, and Chaotianmen began to set up customs. In1927, because of the construction of Chaotianmen wharf, the old city gate wasremoved. However, in 1949, the "92" fire broke out In recent years, withChongqing's opening to the outside world, the launching of the Three GorgesProject and the direct administration of Chongqing, this "tiny area" of lessthan 1 square kilometer is more and more embarrassing for Chongqing people, andthe old appearance affects the hearts of all walks of life

In January 1998, the municipal Party committee and government decided toreappear the grand momentum of Chaotianmen and show the spirit of opening up inNew Chongqing. The foundation of Chaotianmen square construction project waslaid on March 28 and officially opened to tourists on December 31

Today, Chaotianmen square is composed of four parts: sightseeing square,revetment terrace, traffic square and surrounding environment

You see, the place where we got off just now is traffic square, which is amulti-storey square of 56000 square meters, and can park 270 cars

The main building area of the viewing square is 60000 square meters, 21.8meters high, falling layer by layer, with a total of four floors. The top floorSquare is the square we stand on, with an area of 17000 square meters, which isthe largest top floor public square in China The ground of the square is pavedwith red and black marbles and red, white and blue square bricks inlaid withwrong colors. There are lamp posts, music, fountains, lawns, banyan trees, fakebetel nut and kumquat on the square. The square also has a special disabledhumanity, and retains the only cable car in Chongqing

Please follow me to the bottom of the square along the stone ladder by theriver. OK, here are three "city gate holes" that can lead directly to the top ofChaotianmen viewing square. The former Chaotianmen is a brick and stonestructure, and the city is 10 feet high. Outside the city gate, there are threebig words "Chaotianmen" on the urn attached to the main gate, and you can seethese three words on today's big "city gate hole" On the side of the tower,there is an inscription of "ten thousand li return journey" written by EmperorWenzong of the Yuan Dynasty. OK, you can look back at this row of revetmentterraces. It is 700 meters long, 128 terraces, paved with 80000 concrete bricks.The whole terraces are fan-shaped around the river and set off with the square,which is very imposing

Look at the whole wharf. Chaotianmen is like a ship riding the wind andbreaking the waves. There are dozens of ships moored on the broad river, eitherslowly berthing or waiting to set sail. (pause) you are so attentive that youdon't know if you pay attention to the water of the two rivers. By the way, thewater of Jialing River is green, while the water of Changjiang River is yellow,which is very clear

When the river is extremely dry, a 200 meter long stone beam like the backof a whale will appear. There are 12 hydrological steles carved in the middle.It is said that the appearance of the stone beam indicates a good harvest year,so the stone beam is also called Fengshui stele But it's not seen fromgeneration to generation. For more than 1700 years, it only appeared once every600 years. The last appearance was in the midsummer of 1937. Of course, it'sjust a legend of ancient people. Now we can see it My life can be said to be abumper harvest every year. There is also a story about "turtle stone" inShiliang. Do you think that stone looks like a turtle? (pause) in fact, it'sjust a misinformation of Chongqing people, because "Wu" in Chongqing accent isthe same as "Wu" in Chongqing accent "Hu" doesn't matter. Its original name is"hugui stone". This legend tells of Tu shannu, the wife of Dayu. Since herhusband left home three days after his wedding, she stood on the big stone andcalled for her husband's return every day This move moved the Dragon King, andsent the turtle to arch the stone high, so that she could see further. Overtime, Tu shannu's body and the stone became one, becoming the "hugui stone" inthe river

In ancient times, visitors were leaning on the stone railings along theriver to enjoy the beautiful scenery of "Chaotian confluence". Looking down atthe river, the Yangtze River flows from the right side of the city, the JialingRiver flows from the qiansimen on the left side, and the two rivers meet underthe city gate, forming a unique "Jiama water" scenery; Guo Moruo wrote a poemwhen he returned to Chongqing in 1960

Even today, when Chongqing people mention Chaotianmen, an ancient city gateand wharf with a long culture, they still have boundless feelings. "After all,it's a gateway to Chongqing." this simple sentence once again shows the statusof Chaotianmen in Chongqing's history and Chongqing People's mind

重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇12


重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇13

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the black valley scenic spot. The originalecological landscape of the black Valley Scenic Spot consists of steepmountains, peak forests, secluded Gorges, cliffs, forests, bamboo sea,waterfalls, clear water, karst caves, antique plank road, floating bridge, seaof clouds, countryside, primitive vegetation, rare animals and plants, etc.Entering from the gate of the scenic spot, you can walk down the river toXiangshui village. The width of the river valley is about 40-50 meters. Thereare gentle land along the river, with forests and mountains above. The terrainis ladder like. The river valley section is V-shaped and the river surface isnarrow. Heishan valley scenic area is located in Heishan Town, Wansheng economicand Technological Development Zone, Chongqing. Its geographical coordinates are106 ° 58'26 "E and 28 ° 51'46" n, 20 km away from Wansheng city and 110 km awayfrom the main urban area of Chongqing. It is adjacent to Jinfoshan NatureReserve in Nanchuan and Baiqing Nature Reserve in Tongzi, Guizhou. The mountainis high, the forest is dense, and the people are few. It preserves the intactnatural ecology of the subtropical and temperate zones in the same latitude ofthe earth. The forest coverage rate reaches 97%. It is known as "ChongqingGuizhou biological gene bank" by experts. It is the largest natural ecologicalscenic spot with the best original ecological protection in Chongqing atpresent. The original ecological landscape of Heigu valley scenic spot iscomposed of steep mountains, peak forests, secluded Gorges, cliffs, forests,bamboo sea, waterfalls, clear water, karst caves, antique trestle Road, floatingbridge, sea of clouds, countryside, primitive vegetation, rare animals andplants, etc. It has been rated as National Forest Park, National Geopark (animportant part of Chongqing Wansheng National Geopark), national AAAAA touristarea, the most charming scenic spot in Greater China of Asia, China's bestleisure mountain, Chongqing's "Bayu new 12 scenic spots", Chongqing's firstenvironmental protection demonstration scenic spot, etc. The magic and charmingHeishan Valley, the largest ecological park in Chongqing, is known as "Bermudain Western China" and "horrible valley of death". This is a place that has beenlying still for thousands of years, shivering with cold, but it has been stirfried by the press. There have been many mysterious disappearances of people andanimals entering the ditch. There is a poem: "black Valley, ditch after ditch;ten people mention nine people worry. There's no trace of hounds in the house,and it's hard for a strong man to turn back once he's gone. "

With the change of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the black valleyscenic spot shows its wonderful scenery. In spring, Rhododendron, camellia andDavidia involucrata bloom together, and a hundred birds vie with each other,making the scenic spot full of infinite vitality and picturesque. It is a goodplace to return to nature and explore. In summer, the mountains are emerald andquiet. It is a summer resort away from the hustle and bustle. In autumn, themountains here are beautiful and the layers of forest are dyed; In winter, theclouds are misty, and the green pool is like a quiet and shy goddess.

There are many beautiful scenic spots here, and my explanation is overhere. Next, let's visit the legendary black valley scenic spot. I hope today'sblack valley scenic spot can leave you unforgettable memory.

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重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇15

亲爱的游客朋友们,,现在我们来到的就是位于重庆城东北,长江和嘉陵江交汇处的朝天门广场了。到过德国或听说过 “德意志之角”的朋友都知道,在莱茵河和美茵河交汇处的 “德意志之角”与我们今天看到的朝天门有异曲同工之妙.现在我们所处的位置就是朝天门的正面,大家请抬头看,这是一块纯黑的花岗石碑,碑上雕刻着金色的题词:“重庆朝天门广场”几个大字.请大家跟我沿石梯向上走.这是碑的背面,它的正中为重庆古城图,在我的左手边为朝天门建设记事,右手边为《重庆朝天门广场赋》.




如今大家看到的朝天门广场由观景广场、护岸梯道、交通广场、周边环境配套4个部分组成,大家看刚才我们下车的地方就是交通广场,它是5.6万平方米的多层广场,可停泊270辆车观景广场的主体建筑面积6万平方米,高21.8米,逐层跌落共有4层.层顶广场,就是我们所站的这个广场,它的面积1.7万平方米,是中国最大的层顶公共广场.广场地面铺着红、黑大理石和错色镶嵌的红、白、蓝广场砖.广场上有灯柱、音乐、喷泉、草坪及小叶榕、假槟榔 金橘等.广场还设有专门的残疾人道,还保留着重庆城区仅存的一座缆车.请大家再跟我沿江边石梯走到广场最底层.好了,大家看这里有一大两小3个“城门洞”,可直通朝天门观景广场顶层.以前的朝天门属砖石结构,城高10丈.城门外,依附于正门的瓮城上有“朝天门”三个大字,大家看就是现今大“城门洞”上这三个字.,再登石阶进入大城门,门额上有“古渝雄关”四个威严大字.城楼侧,有元代文宗皇帝御笔题写的题刻“万里归程”.好,大家再回头看这排护岸梯道,它的长为700米,有128梯,由8万块混泥土砖铺砌,整个梯道呈环江扇形,与广场相互衬托,显得极有气派.大家看整个码头,朝天门就如艘乘风破浪的舰船停泊在江边,宽阔的江面上停泊着几十艘船只,或缓缓靠岸,或正待启航.(停顿)大家看得这么聚精会神,不知有没有注意这两江之水.对了,大家看这边的嘉陵江水是绿色,而长江水为黄色,这一绿一黄,显得格外分明.大家再注意看长江水,当江水极枯时会露出一块长约200米的如鲸鱼脊背的石梁.中间刻着12块水文碑.相传石梁的出现预示着丰收之年,因此枯水碑又被称为丰年碑.但并非代代都能见到,有记载的1700多年来,每620xx年才露一次面,最后一次露面是1937年盛夏.当然了,这只是古时人们的一个传说,如今我们的生活可说是年年丰收.这个石梁还有一个“乌龟石”的故事.大家看那石头像乌龟吗?(停顿)其实它只是重庆人的一个误传,因为重庆口音中“wu”跟“hu”不分,它本来的名字是“呼归石”.这个传说故事讲的是大禹之妻涂山女,自丈夫新婚三日离家治水去后,天天站在与丈夫别离的这块大石上呼唤丈夫的归来.此举感动了龙王,并派神龟把石头拱高,使她看得更远.日久天长,涂山女的身子与石头化为一体,变成了江中这块“呼归石” 古时游人就倚立在港口沿江石栏观赏“朝天汇流”胜景.居高临下,俯视江流,长江从城右涌来,嘉陵江水从左边千斯门流来,双江在城门下交汇,形成奇特的“夹马水”风景.为此还留有不少诗文.如:清代诗人周开丰的《城楼观涨》;郭沫若先生1960年重返山城重庆时也作诗一首.直到今日,当重庆人提起朝天门这一具有悠久文化的古城门、古码头,仍然有着无限的感慨.“毕竟是重庆的一扇门户”这句简单的话,再次道出了朝天门在重庆历史中和重庆人心目中的地位.

重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇16




重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇17

Chaotianmen is an important port in Chongqing, a famous scenic spot inChongqing, and also a landmark building in Chongqing.

Chaotianmen wharf is the waterway gateway of Chongqing. Standing onChaotianmen wharf, you will see the green Jialing River on the left and theYellow Yangtze River on the right. They meet at Chaotianmen wharf to form theYangtze River and roll eastward. It's a busy scene for the coming and goingpassenger ships and freighters to and fro here, sometimes with the sound ofsirens and groups of passengers and dockers up and down.

In the early morning, the sun rises from the East, and the whole Chaotiangate is covered with gold. With the sound of a ship's whistle, Chaotianmen wharfwakes up from a dream, and the whole Chaotianmen begins to become lively. On thesquare, some people are running, some are dancing, and some are playingTaijiquan, showing the vitality of Chongqing city.

At noon, the sun mercilessly scorched the earth, Chaotianmen square is nolonger so busy, there is no bustling tourists, the only thing you can see in thesquare is that the stall owner shakes the fan and sits lazily. However, the dockis still a busy, sweaty dock workers are busy carrying up and down the goods.The special smell of sweat and river water mixed in the air makes people feelthe development of Chongqing.

When night falls, the whole Chaotianmen wharf becomes a sea of lights, aworld of light. There are colorful lights on the square. Enthusiastic Chongqingpeople dance there and welcome people from all over the world to Chongqing forsightseeing. The colorful neon lights on the wharf, the laser beam to the skyand the light and shadow reflected on the river form a world full ofbrilliance.

From a distance, Chaotianmen wharf is like the bow of a big ship, guidingthe big ship full of Chongqing People's hope through the steep gorge, to the seaand to the world.

Teacher comments: from your article clearly understand the Chaotianmen,feel another beauty of Chaotianmen, great

重庆朝天门码头导游词 篇18

