

2023-12-30 20:00:53 实用文档

拙政园导游词英文 篇1

Dear visitors, today we come to is one of suzhou classical garden, the humble administrator's garden. Humble administrator's garden has a very long history. Covers an area of 78 mu, the dominated points east, middle and west part, was built in the Ming dynasty zhengde four years. Legend Wang Xianchen in jin dynasty pan yue from ratio, pan yue's "a recluse" have such a words: "when a cloud of tzu chi, build room to plant trees, free and unfettered. Ponds to fishing, fishing in the spring of tax DaiGeng. Irrigation garden greens of porridge, for one day meal; sheep free cheese, to initiate v la fee. Xiao on but, friends in brothers, this is the place of those who were compensated." Wang Xianchen take the "compensated" 2 words for YuanMing, to vent YuFen chests. Such a beautiful environment, visitors, please pay attention to health, keep clean.

Visitors, we now come to the ten views pond, I believe you have seen, full of lotus pool together open, very beautiful, you can later took photos here. Some of these lotus or bud, sleek, some have grown out of the small lotus, lotus also have a plenty of new shoots. Please take good care of the lotus, don't throw rubbish into the pool.

Visitors, we now come to the iraqis. Iraqis in the garden has a lot of fragrant flowers, there are various kinds of unusual shape stone. Flower colors here to is a fairyland! You can stand on the stone photos, can be photographed.

Visitors, now we come to the humble administrator's garden is the only a covered bridge - small flying. Scarlet lounge Bridges are reflected in the water, water waves, like flying. Rainbow, it is after a storm comes a calm after a brilliant we across the land, the ancients to rainbow YuQiao, wonderful. It is not only a connection channel of water and land, and forming the unique landscape, with the center of the bridge is a nice lounge Bridges.

Ok, tourists, today I guide tasks to this end, the following give you one hour of time, you can took photos in the humble administrator's garden, finely touring. I wish you all play very much.

拙政园导游词英文 篇2

The Yellow Crane Tower is located at the top of Wuchang Snake Mountain onthe South Bank of the Yangtze River in Wuhan City, Hubei Province. It is closeto the Yangtze River. It is a national 5A tourist attraction and has been knownas "the first building of the world's rivers and mountains" and "the world'speerless scenery" since ancient times. Yellow Crane Tower is a landmark buildingin Wuhan. It is also known as "three famous scenic spots in Wuhan" together withQingchuan Pavilion and Guqin terrace.

The Yellow Crane Tower was built in 223 A.D. in the period of the ThreeKingdoms. During the period of the Three Kingdoms, it was just a "militarybuilding" in the corner of Xiakou city. After the Jin Dynasty destroyed theeastern Wu Dynasty, the three kingdoms were unified. With the development ofJiangxia City, the building gradually evolved into an ornamental building forofficials and businessmen. Tang Dynasty poet Cui Hao wrote the poem "YellowCrane Tower" and Li Bai wrote "Yellow Crane Tower to send Meng Haoran toGuangling". Scholars of all ages left many unique songs here, which made theYellow Crane Tower famous since ancient times.

The Yellow Crane Tower is located at the top of Sheshan mountain, 61.7meters above sea level. The trains of Beijing Guangzhou railway roar through thetower. The building is 5 stories high, with a total height of 51.4 meters and aconstruction area of 3219 square meters. The Yellow Crane Tower is internallysupported by 72 columns and externally extended by 60 angles. The roof iscovered with more than 100000 pieces of yellow glazed tiles

A number of auxiliary buildings, such as bronze Yellow Crane shape, statuepagoda, memorial archway, porch and pavilion, are cast outside the Yellow CraneTower to make the main building more magnificent. Around the main building,there are white cloud Pavilion, elephant pagoda, stele Gallery, Mountain Gateand other buildings. The whole building has a unique national style, emittingthe spirit, temperament and charm of traditional Chinese culture. It complementsthe Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge at the foot of Sheshan mountain, and you can havea panoramic view of the three towns of Wuhan when you climb the building.

拙政园导游词英文 篇3

Humble administrator's garden, the representative of the jiangnan gardens, the largest classical landscape garden in suzhou garden, is one of the four ancient gardens of suzhou, also is the largest in suzhou gardens, the most famous a, been listed as world cultural heritage list, is the Chinese classical private gardens. The Ming dynasty zhengde years this garden over land area of about eighty-three point five acres, open area of about seventy-three mu, including central garden, the west and the late qing dynasty Zhang Zhiwan residential hall (now suzhou garden museum of old) of late qing dynasty architectural landscape heritage, about 38 acres. One of China's four big gardens, national key cultural relics protection unit, the national 5 a-class tourist scenic spot, the special tourist attraction -- has been hailed as the "mother of the Chinese garden, in 1997 by the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization (UNESCO) listed as world cultural heritage.

The humble administrator's garden covers an area of 520xx square meters, and points east garden, park, west park in three parts. East park and mountain pool, adorned with Shu incense pavilion, LanXueTang construction, etc. Western water circuitous, compact layout, mountain built pavilions, main architecture of the mandarin duck hall was the garden owner treating guests and listen to music, display hall. In the humble administrator's garden is the best part of the overall layout for the center with pool, pavilions are built by the water, some TingXie is straight out of the water, with river south of characteristics. Body building hong tong in south bank pool, on the other side of the pool and observe things two mountain island, the water clear, broad mind lotus, tree-lined everywhere on the island, mountain water bank vines mixed and disorganized, two mountain valleys panel has a little bridge Hill on the island to build a pavilion, west to snow YunWeiTing, east to be frost pavilion, the four seasons scenery because of time inconsistency. Far to the west of hong tong's "lean on jade xuan" with the west ship matter form "xiangzhou", is relatively and both its northern "Dutch wind all pavilion" into the potential of the tripartite confrontation, can with the potential of the reward.
