

2024-02-27 18:35:15 实用文档

工厂操作工英文自我评价 篇1


自从参加工作以来,我认真完成工作,努力学习,积极思考,个人能力逐步提高。我在思想上、学习上、工作上取得了新的进步,但我也认识到自己有太多的不足之处,理论知识和操作水平较低,技能还不强。作为一名合格的操作工,就要学会各项生产设备操作规程流程理论安全知识以及工艺参数。外操装车过程中要注意的事情很多,一不小就会出错,出错就会有大大的生命危险,损失着经济角钱,所以每个人都要把自己的本职工作做好,确保安全生产。(内操的工作岗位很重要,制单、数据、审核、监控、交际、沟通、十交五不接等等。三查六对,查司机罐体容积表、压力充装证、危险运输证)。 此外,火车跑的快还靠车头带,由于刚参加工作不久,无论从经验能力,还是从思想上都存在许多的不足,在这些方面我得到了公司领导、部门主管以及班长工友的正确指导,龙其是开展岗位练兵技能培训,让我们有更好的机会去提升自己理论安全知识和操作技能水平,在学习的过程中,我有好多不明之处,大家总是耐心的为我讲解,在此,我对大家表示由衷的感谢。



工厂操作工英文自我评价 篇2

In the twinkling of an eye, one year's work is spent in a tense and busy, the new year new starting point new opportunities and new challenges, I will work harder to learn, will improve my ability to work, do not live up to you Expectations, I will strive to do their jobs.

Since taking part in the work, I earnestly complete the work, study hard, think positively, individual ability rises gradually. I am thinking, learning, work has made new progress, but I also recognize that they have too many shortcomings, theoretical knowledge and low level of operation, skills are not strong. As a qualified operator, we must learn the rules of production equipment operating procedures, process safety knowledge and process parameters. Outside the loading operation process to pay attention to many things, no small mistake, there will be a big life-threatening risk of loss of economic dime, so everyone should take their own work to do to ensure safety in production . (Internal control of the job is very important, single-system, data, audit, monitoring, communication, communication, do not take five and so on.Three check six pairs, check the driver tank volume table, pressure filling certificate, dangerous transport card ). In addition, the train is running fast also rely on the front, because just to work soon, in terms of experience, or from thinking there are many deficiencies in these areas I got the company leadership, department heads and squad workers of the correct guidance, The dragon is to carry out job training skills training, so that we have a better opportunity to enhance their theoretical knowledge of security and operational skills, in the learning process, I have a lot of uncertainty, we always patiently explain to me, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you.

In short, into the company has more than a year (in the car loading unit under the leadership of master Ke) along the way, enjoy the pain, but also the luxury of happiness, there is no credit for labor, but either laughter or tears, Working for life, working for our dreams, we are brave to face a lot of difficulties, I think these will be the growth of each of us to the glorious stage of bit by bit.

upcoming, future work may be more difficult, more and more competition will give us a great deal of pressure, as long as the heart relaxed, the pressure into motivation, this is what we have been continuous progress Of the common ground, with the share of the ideals of hard work we will do better!

工厂操作工英文自我评价 篇3

本人于x年8月在x有限公司工作。见习期间工作努力认真,积极学习,仔细思考,脚踏实地,立足岗位,一年下来收获颇丰,成长迅速。 第一、积极完成由学生到职工的角色转变。

本人能积极迅速的了解单位的工作方针,发展计划,并认真的思考自身岗位性质,工作特点,勤于请教,努力实践,使自己的思想上升到了另外一个层面。能够准确把握单位的中心工作,在自己的岗位上给与积极的响应与配合。 第二、工作思路明确、重点突出。

工作一年中,本人在分离机分厂数控车间见习,能尽快熟悉机床的性能和操作。不 怕苦,不怕累,为以后转正和独立操作打下坚实的基础。 第三、适应能力强.




